If you know me, or follow me on social media, you have probably heard me mention my new project, Vari-Move. I’m beyond excited (and nervous) to birth this new baby into the world. But I’m ready. Here’s a quick backstory…

I started Vari-Move for many reasons but a big one is this: it’s no secret that many of us are stressed out. Like, a lot of the time. Not only has anxiety been a hurdle in my own life, it is the biggest complaint of my clients. So over the years, the way that I work with people has shifted into creating movement/mindfulness programs around stress-reduction that go way beyond classic fitness training. Research tells us there are 2 main ways to combat stress: exercise and meditation. But I want to take this further; not all exercise and meditation is the same. Modern research also tells us that we need variety in our movement and body patterning as well as in the way we use our brains. That’s why Vari-Move offers MANY types of movement and mindfulness practices, similar to the array of offerings you would find in a big fancy gym.  Except Vari-Move is cheaper, more accessible and has a different intention when it comes to the word ‘fitness.’

After teaching movement for 20 years in multiple environments I’ve noticed that people have relationships to exercise that are less than ideal.  Often times, people use exercise as one more check mark off their to-do list. Some use exercise to punish ourselves for eating a bag of chips the day before. I believe exercise shouldn’t have anything to do with either of those things.  I believe exercise, like anything, can be medicine, or poison, depending on the dosage. In fact, because of the culturally projected notions of what exercise should look and feel like, I don’t even like the word exercise.  I prefer the word movement.  Our bodies are meant to move.  I believe movement should be about tuning into our body, what it needs, how it functions and having gratitude for what it can do.  I believe we need both variable movements that challenge us in body and brain as well as movements that restore, unwind and reset us.  

Movement should be accessible and not cause more stress in our lives. That’s why most of our classes are less than 40 minutes.  Taught by me and an amazing cast of guest teachers, most Vari-Move classes are all-level and appropriate for people of every shape, size and ability. 

With a Vari-Move monthly pay what you can subscription, you’ll receive:

-1 recorded meditation per month for daily practice

-2 classes per week, one of which will be offered LIVE through the Zoom online platform

-Weekly tips and inspiration on everything movement and mindfulness

-Discounts on other live and recorded workshops, masterclasses and movement challenges

All recorded classes and meditations will be stored in the online Library on Teachable, our chosen online platform.  

If this speaks to you,  please join Vari-Move by adding your name to the waiting list and get your first month free from Oct 15-Nov 15th. Or refer a friend who needs this in their life!  

We can’t wait to get moving with you!  It’s gonna be fun!