I’ve been listening a LOT lately. To podcasts on racial justice, in person with others of all races, in online forums. For me, listening has always been about connection and understanding that which is foreign to me. I don’t have the answers, but I am committed to more  listening, learning, and growing … 

I’ve been taking time to educate myself and I want to share some of the resources and people I’m learning and taking guidance from…

Lama Rod Owens  Buddist teacher and yogi who is committed to having conversations on all the things we’re scared to talk about. Check out his most recent interview on the 10 Percent Happier podcast.

Desiree Adaway  I’m excited to learn more from her.She is a consultant, trainer, coach and speaker building resilient, equitable, and inclusive organizations.

Rachel Ricketts is a racial justice educator, lawyer, healer, speaker and author. She has a Masterclass called Spiritual Activism 101: Anti-Racism and other anti-racism resources.

Rachel Cargle is a public academic, writer, and lecturer. Her activism and academic work are rooted in providing intellectual discourse, tools, and resources that explore the intersection of race and womanhood and she offers a lot of free resources on her page. 

My Commitment is:

I will keep learning, unlearning, getting uncomfortable and listening…

I will see where I have unconsciously internalized racism and make the changes internally so I can stand for a more kind + just world. 

I will have the hard conversations with my community.

I will do a better job of educating myself, my friends and family and my clients by making sure to invest in anti-racism trainings so my business reflects that. 

I will do a better job to amplify black voices and I will continue to invest in POC (people of color) initiatives and businesses.
This is not to show that I’m good. 

This is my apology and pledge to lean towards making things better.

I do believe things are changing and we all have a role in making that shift.

I want to show up with love, my commitment and proactive steps.

Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better. 
-Maya Angelou