I want to thank you Covid-19,

For showing me what I am dependent on.

For reminding me that I have such an abundance of products, services and freedom available to me all the time and I take it for granted.

For showing me how lost I was in my busy-ness and how that kept me from experiencing so much of the sweetness that comes from slowing down and witnessing life.

For helping me put aside problems that I thought were so important and pressing.

Thank you for slowing down the humans and thus the trains, planes and automobiles, so the earth could cleanse and restore a little.

For showing me real fear so I could start learning how to embrace it and comfort myself and others.

Thank you for reminding us that human life is so delicate.

Thank you for giving me the “time” that I was craving so I could spend time on things that I really love: connecting with family, having meaningful conversations and being in nature.

And thank you for reminding us of the biggest truth that we often forget: that we are all connected.

For all the things we have learned from you and for the many more lessons we will inevitably learn from you before you are done, thank you.

With gratitude,


Gratitude supports our immune system but also helps us see things from different perspectives so that we might understand more deeply that of which we were unaware. Remember to count your blessings, even amidst this collective struggle.

“What separates privilege from entitlement is gratitude.” —Brene Brown